On 24 September 2020 from 09:00-12:00 CEST, the third Forum of Mayors will take place, this time online. The host will be the Polish city of Bytom. The key-note speech will be given by EU Commission Deputy Director for regional policy Normund Popens and Jerzy Buzek MEP.
The virtual Forum takes place at a critical time. The EU is finalising its EUR 17.5 billion Just Transition Fund which aims to support coal regions in moving to climate-neutral economy. Ensuring coal communities can come together to exchange views and experience is therefore more important than ever.
We encourage all interested mayors, members of local authorities of coal regions, civil servants from relevant regions and others to join the full event, and invite accredited members of the press to join the first part of the Forum. Register here
The event will have a form of ZOOM webinar, with the option to ask questions for all and dedicated networking and capacity building for public authorities.
Find the agenda below
Why a Forum of Mayors?
Europe is leaving coal behind as it moves towards climate neutrality. While ending coal is good news for the climate and for our health, as well as making financial sense, we must ensure it is done in a safe and fair manner for those who live and work in coal regions.
Part of that fair shift beyond coal can be helped by cooperation between local governments and the regions impacted.
For several years, the mayors of coal communes, with the support of WWF, have been exchanging experiences and concerns related to the process of leaving coal under the title ‘Forum of Mayors. Mayors of 58 coal communes have now signed a Declaration for Just Transition as part of the Forum’s work.